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Adding geometry to a three.js mesh after render

I'm creating a mesh with a THREE.Geometry instance, then populating the geometry's vertices and faces arrays dynamically. The geometry is iteratively refined, adding additional vertices and faces at each iteration. If I refine the geometry before adding the mesh to the scene, it renders correctly. However, if I add the mesh to the scene and render it, then modify it, only the initial N faces the geometry contained on first render are shown. Changes to the position of the vertices used by those faces are honored, but only those N faces are rendered.

The geometry instance is marked dynamic = true, and I set verticesNeedUpdate, elementsNeedUpdate and buffersNeedUpdate each time after modifying the geometry. I've also tried setting all the other 'dirty' flags, though I only expect to need to set those three (and even then, I'm not certain I should need buffersNeedUpdate).

As far as I can see, the geometry's geometryGroup and geometryGroupList properties are being built and populated from the faces that exist when the mesh is first rendered, but are not being rebuilt to include the faces added subsequently.

What am I doing wrong?

like image 740
lharper71 Avatar asked Jul 24 '13 18:07


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What is Mesh THREEjs?

A Three. js Mesh is a base class that inherits from Object3d and is used to instantiate polygonal objects by combining a Geometry with a Material. Mesh is also the base class for the more advanced MorphAnimMesh and SkinnedMesh classes.

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Scenes allow you to set up what and where is to be rendered by three. js. This is where you place objects, lights and cameras.

1 Answers

I assume you are using WebGLRenderer.

As stated in the three.js wiki article How to Update Things, you can only update the content of buffers, you cannot resize buffers.

three.js r.59

like image 186
WestLangley Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 20:11
