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threading question

I am making my first attempt at using threads in an application, but on the line where I try to instantiate my thread I get the error 'method name expected'. Here is my code :

private static List<Field.Info> FromDatabase(this Int32 _campId)
        List<Field.Info> lstFields = new List<Field.Info>();

        Field.List.Response response = new Field.List.Ticket
            campId = _campId

        if (response.status == Field.List.Status.success)
            lstFields = response.fields;
            lock (campIdLock)

        if (response.status == Field.List.Status.retry)
            Thread th1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(FromDatabase(_campId)));



        return lstFields;
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user517406 Avatar asked Sep 12 '11 07:09


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Advantages of Thread Threads minimize the context switching time. Use of threads provides concurrency within a process. Efficient communication. It is more economical to create and context switch threads.

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Argh I hate it when people say "don't use ThreadGroup". It's like saying "don't use Threads". A thread has a ThreadGroup, there's no getting around that, so unless you want to have a program with no threads, you are using ThreadGroups. I agree we need a question to address when, how and why not to use them.

1 Answers

ThreadStart constructor only accepts method name. You're executing the method there. Change it to Thread th1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(FromDatabase));

However that would be incorrect since FromDatabase method appears to be taking parameter while ThreadStart expects method with no parameters so you should be using instead ParameterizedThreadStart

Read the following article for more detail: http://www.dotnetperls.com/parameterizedthreadstart

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Muhammad Hasan Khan Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 09:10

Muhammad Hasan Khan