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Thread Safety in C

imagine I write a library in C. Further, imagine this library to be used from a multi-threaded environment. How do I make it thread-safe? More specific: How do I assure, that certain functions are executed only by one thread at a time?

In opposite to Java or C# for example, C has no means to deal with threads/locks/etc., nor does the C standard library. I know, that operating systems support threads, but using their api would restrict the compatibility of my library very much. Which possibilities do I have, to keep my library as compatible/portable as possible? (for example relying on OpenMP, or on Posix threads to keep it compatible with at least all unix-like operating systems?)

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Dave O. Avatar asked Jan 08 '10 18:01

Dave O.

People also ask

What is thread safety in C?

A threadsafe function protects shared resources from concurrent access by locks. Thread safety concerns only the implementation of a function and does not affect its external interface. In C language, local variables are dynamically allocated on the stack.

Is C write thread-safe?

write() is certainly thread-safe. The problem is that a partial write() could require multiple calls in order to completely write the data, and while that is "thread-safe" it could result in interleaved data.

Is ++ thread-safe in C?

++ is not defined as thread-safe.

Is open thread-safe C?

If you're running on a Unix-like OS, when open() is a direct system call, the answer is absolutely yes. Different threads can open files (or even the same file) at the same time just as different processes can.

1 Answers

You can create wrappers with #ifdef. It's really the best you can do. (Or you can use a third party library to do this).

I'll show how I did it as an example for windows and linux. It's in C++ and not C but again it's just an example:

#ifdef WIN32
typedef HANDLE thread_t;
typedef unsigned ThreadEntryFunction;
#define thread __declspec(thread)

class Mutex : NoCopyAssign
    Mutex() { InitializeCriticalSection(&mActual); }
    ~Mutex() { DeleteCriticalSection(&mActual); }
    void Lock() { EnterCriticalSection(&mActual); }
    void Unlock() { LeaveCriticalSection(&mActual); }

class ThreadEvent : NoCopyAssign
    ThreadEvent() { Actual = CreateEvent(NULL, false, false, NULL); }
    ~ThreadEvent() { CloseHandle(Actual); }
    void Send() { SetEvent(Actual); }

    HANDLE Actual;
typedef pthread_t thread_t;
typedef void *ThreadEntryFunction;
#define thread __thread
extern pthread_mutexattr_t MutexAttributeRecursive;

class Mutex : NoCopyAssign
    Mutex() { pthread_mutex_init(&mActual, &MutexAttributeRecursive); }
    ~Mutex() { pthread_mutex_destroy(&mActual); }
    void Lock() { pthread_mutex_lock(&mActual); }
    void Unlock() { pthread_mutex_unlock(&mActual); }
    pthread_mutex_t mActual;

class ThreadEvent : NoCopyAssign
    ThreadEvent() { pthread_cond_init(&mActual, NULL); }
    ~ThreadEvent() { pthread_cond_destroy(&mActual); }

    void Send() { pthread_cond_signal(&mActual); }
    pthread_cond_t mActual;

inline thread_t GetCurrentThread() { return pthread_self(); }

/* Allows for easy mutex locking */
class MutexLock : NoAssign
    MutexLock(Mutex &m) : mMutex(m) { mMutex.Lock(); }
    ~MutexLock() { mMutex.Unlock(); }
    Mutex &mMutex;
like image 125
Thomas Bonini Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09

Thomas Bonini