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this.$refs empty with Vue 3 Options API

In Vue 2 I used to be able to access a property on component children (rendered inside a v-for loop using this.$refs and a dynamically-assigned :ref).

The same code in Vue 3 fails, and when I log out this.$refs the object is empty.

Here I'm wanting to access an 'isOrderable' property on all children. The problem appears to be with :ref="product.id" being a variable. If I change it to ref="foobar" then I do get the last child in this.$refs.foobar. But it vue2 me an array back containing all children components.

  import productItem from "./Product.vue";
  export default {
    props: ["products"],
    components: {
      'product-item': productItem
    methods: {
      addAllProducts() {
        const orderable = this.products.filter((p) => this.$refs[p.id][0].isOrderable);

      <div v-for="product in products" :key="product.id">
        <product-item :product="product" :ref="product.id" />
      <button @click="addAllProducts">Add All</button>

Obviously something changed in vue3 but I can't find any info about it. There's plenty of info on this.$refs, and but it all has to do with accessing refs from the composition API.

Any help appreciated.

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tarponjargon Avatar asked Mar 21 '21 21:03


People also ask

Does Vue 3 support options API?

It is not compulsory that you have to use Composition API in order to use Vue 3. It still supports Options API at its core. It is also possible to use both methods together in a single Vue component.

What is ref Vue 3?

ref is a special attribute, similar to the key attribute discussed in the v-for chapter. It allows us to obtain a direct reference to a specific DOM element or child component instance after it's mounted.

How is this refs option used in Vue?

Refs are Vue. js instance properties that are used to register or indicate a reference to HTML elements or child elements in the template of your application. If a ref attribute is added to an HTML element in your Vue template, you'll then be able to reference that element or even a child element in your Vue instance.

Can I use Vue 3 without composition API?

Vue 3 does not require using the Composition API.

Video Answer

1 Answers

In vue 3 they change how refs work with arrays, now you need to pass a function and have a state on your data to keep track of your refs https://v3.vuejs.org/guide/migration/array-refs.html#frontmatter-title.

I don't know how your code is structured but maybe there is a better solution to your problem than using refs, if the logic that toggles if a product-item is orderable lives inside the product-item component you can have an event that emits when the orderable value is changed an update an array of orderableProducts with the id of each product, you can even use that in a v-model with the multiple v-models options of vue3. in that way you don't need to hold a reference of the dom just to filter by the ones that are orderable.

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lntg Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 12:10
