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"this" in a method call in TypeScript?

How do I want to make this work:

class TestClass {

   doMethod1 (arg1, arg2, cb)
      this.doMethod2(arg1, arg2, function (result){cb (result)});

  doMethod2 (arg1, arg2, cb) {
      this.doMethod3(arg1, arg2, function(result){cb (result)});

  doMethod3 (arg1, arg2, cb) {
      var result = arg1 + arg2;

test = new TestClass;

test.doMethod3(1,1, cb); test.doMethod2(1,1,cb);

Both work.


EDIT: Actually, it does work.

I got around related lexical scoping issues by using the "fat arrow" syntax:

doMethod1 (arg1, arg2, cb)
      this.doMethod2(arg1, arg2, (result) => {cb (result)});

Ensures that the "this" in doMethod1 is the same as the "this" in the anonymous callback function.

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Josh Wulf Avatar asked Oct 26 '12 01:10

Josh Wulf

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1 Answers

To preserve the lexical scoping of this in TypeScript, you use Arrow Function Expressions.

They are defined in section 4.9.2 of the TypeScript Language Specification.

ArrowFormalParameters => { return AssignmentExpression ; }

Which in code can look like:

() => { alert(this.arg1); }
like image 176
Fenton Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 22:09
