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things that prevent cross-platformness your java web application

are there any things that once can do ignorantly that can prevent a java web application from being cross platform? (windows/linux/mac)

Tools I am planning to use are java/spring framework/hibernate

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mrblah Avatar asked Jan 04 '10 20:01


People also ask

What is the disadvantage of cross-platform application?

Poor UX and UI Design Using separate codes for iOS and Android platforms, native apps are more user-focused towards UX and UI design. Conversely, cross-platform development uses a single codebase for both the platforms and can't use all in-built features provided by mobile devices, so their user experience is poorer.

Is Java good for cross-platform?

Java is cross-platform because the program's source code is compiled into bytecode. The bytecode is then executed by the Java JVM that has been written for the specific hardware platform. Therefore, the bytecode is expected to run the same way on all hardware platforms with Java virtual machines.

What is cross-platform issues?

Such issues that are the direct result of change in platform are referred to as cross-platform issues. A possible cause of such issues is that the fonts available on the development platform are not available on the deployment platform.

Why is Java not cross-platform?

Java is cross platform because a program's source code is compiled into an intermediate "bytecode" language. The bytecode is then executed by a Java Virtual Machine (Java interpreter) that was written for that particular hardware platform.

2 Answers

  • Hard-coding file separators/paths.
  • Using native libraries.
  • Using Runtime.exec()
  • Using sun.* classes (this may cause portability issues with non-Sun JVMs).
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Dan Dyer Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 06:10

Dan Dyer

not honoring case-sensitivity in filesystem

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peter p Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 06:10

peter p