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There is no create new database option in phpmyadmin



I am starting to deploy my php web application to real server. So I bought a personal hosting plan from Arvixe with C Panel access. Then I logged in to C Panel and opened phpmyadmin to import my database. But when I try to create new database, there is no option for creating database in UI. As you can see below.

enter image description here

I also tried to create database from SQL command. But it is giving me error.

This is the error.

#1044 - Access denied for user 'cpses_mmIulTbTrI'@'localhost' to database 'mmfashion'

Why is that happening and how can I create database in phpMyAdmin? How can I enable that feature?

like image 965
Wai Yan Hein Avatar asked Jun 07 '16 14:06

Wai Yan Hein

1 Answers

enter image description here

For cPanel you have to create a Database from MySQL Databases option. You can not make a database directly from PHPMyAdmin (for cPanel Only).

Step 1: Make a database

Step 2: Make a database user

Step 3: Assign a user to that database

Then you done.

like image 143
Ajay Makwana Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 05:10

Ajay Makwana