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phpMyAdmin and big tables



Trying to access to database with big tables (at least 15 tables in this database not less then 1 million, maximum - 20 million). Once I select database - phpMyAdmin loading at least 5 minutes (and more).

How can I speed-up load of page with tables?

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webbear Avatar asked May 30 '12 06:05


People also ask

Can phpMyAdmin handle big data?

PHPMyAdmin is able to handle unlimited amount of data when it comes to exporting a table to sql, csv or spreadsheets.

How do I find the size of a table in phpMyAdmin?

Look for the Databases section, then click phpMyAdmin. On the next page, select your database by clicking the + icon to expand and see its tables. Once collapsed, all tables of that database will be displayed. Scroll a little bit to the right to view the Size column.

What is considered a large table in MySQL?

You can't have more than 1000 columns. Your records can't be bigger than 8k each. These limits change depending on database engine. (The ones here are for InnoDB.)

How do I display tables in phpMyAdmin?

Choose the Database User and click phpMyAdmin. On the left pane of your phpMyAdmin page, click on the Database User. Click on the table to display the Structure page for the table.

1 Answers

Paste these lines into the bottom of your config.inc.php file within your phpMyAdmin installation:

$cfg['MaxExactCountViews'] = 0;//disable trying to count the number of rows in any view
$cfg['MaxExactCount'] = 0;//disable correcting the InnoDB estimates

Thank you to future500.nl!

I wish I'd found this fix hours earlier, before I accidentally deleted all my data. :-(

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Ryan Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 21:09
