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Annoying warning in phpmyadmin [closed]



every time I login to phpMyAdmin I get an Annoying warning message in a red box, I have uninstalled xampp and then installed it again several times and I deleted all the files then re-installed everything again but still that message appears. this is the warning message i keep getting...

Warning in .\libraries\dbi\DBIMysqli.class.php#261
mysqli_query(): (HY000/1030): Got error 9 "Bad file descriptor" from storage engine MyISAM


.\libraries\dbi\DBIMysqli.class.php#261: mysqli_query(
string 'SELECT * FROM `mysql`.`db` LIMIT 1',
integer 0,
.\libraries\DatabaseInterface.class.php#246: PMA_DBI_Mysqli->realQuery(
string 'SELECT * FROM `mysql`.`db` LIMIT 1',
integer 0,
.\libraries\check_user_privileges.lib.php#46: PMA_DatabaseInterface->tryQuery(string 'SELECT * FROM `mysql`.`db` LIMIT 1')
.\libraries\check_user_privileges.lib.php#395: PMA_checkRequiredPrivilgesForAdjust()
.\libraries\List_Database.class.php#17: require_once(.\libraries\check_user_privileges.lib.php)
.\libraries\PMA.php#17: require_once(.\libraries\List_Database.class.php)
.\libraries\common.inc.php#1089: include_once(.\libraries\PMA.php)
.\index.php#12: require_once(.\libraries\common.inc.php)

how do i get rid of it or how to fix this problem thanks.

like image 280
Dion Avatar asked Nov 01 '15 11:11


1 Answers

Go to xampp\mysql\bin folder and find mysql_upgrade.exe and simply run it (Double click it) and this should solve the problem.

like image 151
Taimur Aziz Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 19:10

Taimur Aziz