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Theoretical vs actual time-complexity for algorithm calculating 2^n

I am trying to compute the time-complexity and compare it with the actual computation times.

If I am not mistaken, the time-complexity is O(log(n)), but looking at the actual computation times it looks more like O(n) or even O(nlog(n)).

What could be reason for this difference?

def pow(n):
    """Return 2**n, where n is a nonnegative integer."""
    if n == 0:
        return 1
    x = pow(n//2)
    if n%2 == 0:
        return x*x
    return 2*x*x

Theoretical time-complexity:

enter image description here

Actual run times:

enter image description here

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Filip Avatar asked Apr 04 '19 07:04


People also ask

What time complexity is n 2?

A function with a quadratic time complexity has a growth rate of n2. If the input is size 2, it will do four operations. If the input is size 8, it will take 64, and so on.

How do you calculate time complexity of an algorithm?

Let's use T(n) as the total time in function of the input size n , and t as the time complexity taken by a statement or group of statements. T(n) = t(statement1) + t(statement2) + ... + t(statementN); If each statement executes a basic operation, we can say it takes constant time O(1) .

What is time complexity explain the different methods of finding the time complexity with examples?

Time Complexity: The time complexity of an algorithm quantifies the amount of time taken by an algorithm to run as a function of the length of the input. Note that the time to run is a function of the length of the input and not the actual execution time of the machine on which the algorithm is running on.

1 Answers

I was suspecting your time calculation is not accurate, so I did it using timeit, here're my stats:

import timeit
# N
sx = [10, 100, 1000, 10e4, 10e5, 5e5, 10e6, 2e6, 5e6]
# average runtime in seconds
sy = [timeit.timeit('pow(%d)' % i, number=100, globals=globals()) for i in sx]


enter image description here

Well, the code did run with O(n*log(n))...! A possible explanation is that multiplication / division is not O(1) for large numbers so this part doesn't hold:

T(n) = 1 + T(n//2)
     = 1 + 1 + T(n//4)
#      ^   ^
#     mul>1
#         div>1
# when n is large

Experiment with multiplication and division:

mul = lambda x: x*x
div = lambda y: x//2

s1 = [timeit.timeit('mul(%d)' % i, number=1000, globals=globals()) for i in sx]
s2 = [timeit.timeit('div(%d)' % i, number=1000, globals=globals()) for i in sx]

And plots, same for mul and div - they are not O(1) (?) small integers seem to be more efficient but no big difference for large integers. I don't know what could be the cause then. (though, I should keep the answer here if it can help)

enter image description here

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knh190 Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 00:10
