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The value of high level unit tests and mock objects [closed]

I am beginning to believe that unit testing high level, well-written code, which requires extensive use of mock objects, has little to no value. I am wondering if this assertion is correct, or am I missing something?

What do I mean by high level? These are the classes and functions near the top of the food chain. Their input and output tends to be user input, and user interface. Most of their work consists of taking user input and making a series of calls to lower-level entities. They often have little or no meaningful return values.

What do I mean by well-written? In this case, I am referring to code that is decoupled from its dependencies (using interfaces and dependency injection), and line by line is at a consistent level of abstraction. There's no tricky algorithms, and few conditionals.

I hate writing unit tests for this kind of code. The unit tests consist almost entirely of mock object setup. Line by line, the unit test read almost like a mirror image of the implementation. In fact, I write the unit tests by looking at the implementation. "First I assert this mock method is called, then I assert this mock method is called...", etc. I should be testing the behavior of the method, not that it's calling the right sequence of methods. Another thing: I have found that these tests are extremely fragile to refactoring. If a test is so brittle it utterly shatters and must be rewritten when the code under test is refactored, then hasn't one of the major benefits of unit testing been lost?

I don't want this post to be flagged as argumentative, or not a question. So I'll state my question directly: What is the correct way to unit test the kind of code I have described, or is it understood that not everything needs a unit test?

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Landon Kuhn Avatar asked Jul 07 '09 05:07

Landon Kuhn

People also ask

What is the value of unit testing?

One of the benefits of unit tests is that they isolate a function, class or method and only test that piece of code. Higher quality individual components create overall system resiliency. Thus, the result is reliable code. Unit tests also change the nature of the debugging process.

What's true about mocking in a unit test?

Mocking is a process used in unit testing when the unit being tested has external dependencies. The purpose of mocking is to isolate and focus on the code being tested and not on the behavior or state of external dependencies.

What makes a unit test high quality?

Good unit tests should be reproducible and independent from external factors such as the environment or running order. Fast. Developers write unit tests so they can repeatedly run them and check that no bugs have been introduced.

Should you use mocks in unit tests?

It is unlikely for mocking to be applicable in unit tests, as that means there is a part of the system the unit depends on, making that unit less isolated and less subjected to unit testing. Whenever you reach out to mock things in a unit test that is a good sign you are in fact writing an integration test.

1 Answers

In my experience, the lower level your code is (short of being trivial), the more value unit tests are, relative to the effort required to write them. As you get higher up the food chain, tests become increasingly elaborate and more expensive.

Unit tests are critical because they tell you when you break something during refactoring.

Higher level tests have their own value, but then they are no longer called unit tests; they are called integration tests and acceptance tests. Integration tests are needed because they tell you how well the different software components work together.

Acceptance tests are what the customer signs off. Acceptance tests are typically written by other people (not the programmer) in order to provide a different perspective; programmers tend to write tests for what works, testers try to break it by testing what doesn't work.

Mocking is only useful for unit tests. For integration and acceptance tests, mocking is useless because it doesn't exercise the actual system components, such as the database and the communication infrastructure.

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Robert Harvey Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 19:10

Robert Harvey