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The ui-router for angular seems to be cacheing the resolve. When I don't want it to

The Background:

I am using ui-router for my Angular page routing needs. It's working great so far, however I'm running into an issue. When I load a state and I resolve my user object. I use restangular to make the call to the database and it returns a promise. Everything works great. If I then log out, and log in as another user. Then navigate back to that same page it shows the previous user object.

Things that I've discovered:

  • The rest api call is being made every time when the state loads, and it is the correct information.
  • If I place a break point inside my controller the user object that the resolve passes is the cached information.


  • The rest API end point is /users/me/, which is the same end point for every user. We just deliver different information based off of the JWT token we pass. Somewhere must things since it's the same call don't bother delivering the goods it already got.

Things I've tried:

  • I've confirmed that the API call isn't cached, and it is delivering the correct information to angular
  • I've tried grabbing the $cacheFactory of $http and .removeAll.

Sample code:

angular.module('services.user', [ ])
  .factory('User', function(Restangular) {
    return Restangular.service('users');

angular.module('settings.profile', [

      url: '/profile',
      templateUrl: 'app/settings/profile/settings.profile.html',
      controller: 'SettingsProfileCtrl',
      authenticate: true,
      resolve: {
        user: function(User) {
          var user = User.one('me').get()
          return user;

  function($scope, $location, user, $http, apiUrl){

  $scope.user = user;
like image 557
Chris Avatar asked Jul 03 '14 13:07


1 Answers

I had the same problem, however in my case the data requested in the resolve property wasn't coming from an API so HTTP caching definitely wasn't the problem.

I added {reload: true} for the options property in the troublesome $state.go call and this seems to have forced ui-router to refresh the resolve property. I no longer get the previous user's roles and permissions, which is nice :)

like image 143
tomfumb Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 00:11
