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Integration of WYSIWYG editor to best-in-place textarea

I'm using best_in_place gem to editing client's info in-place.

My question is, how can I integrate a WYSIWYG Editor for editing this content as HTML? I'm currently using this editor: https://github.com/Nerian/bootstrap-wysihtml5-rails/

I'm not good at javascript and cofeescript, so I'm probably doing something wrong.

My code in view:

<%= best_in_place @client, :info, :type => :textarea, :nil => "Click here to add content!", :html_attrs => { class: "wysihtml5" }, :sanitize => false %>

And clients.js.cofee

$(document).ready ->

# Activating Best In Place

# Loading editor
$(".wysihtml5").each (i, elem) ->

Does anyone knows what to do about it?


like image 647
Stejsky Avatar asked Nov 30 '13 12:11


1 Answers

Try like this, inner_class: "wysihtml5" if present activate WisiHTML5 editor, buttons 'Save' and 'Cancel' must be present (default event handler disabled for correct work)

In show.html.erb:

  <%= best_in_place @client, :info, type: :textarea, 
                                    nil: "Click here to add content!", 
                                    inner_class: "wysihtml5", 
                                    sanitize: false,
                                    ok_button: 'Save',
                                    cancel_button: 'Cancel',
                                    display_with: lambda { |v| v.html_safe }

In coffee script file:

jQuery ->
  # WisiHTML5 Edit
    # append
    # init
    .on 'best_in_place:activate', () -> 
      if $(this).attr('data-inner-class') == 'wysihtml5'
        html = $(this).attr('data-original-content')
        area = $('textarea', this)
        area.wysihtml5().data('wysihtml5').editor.on 'load', (e)->
          this.setValue(html, true)
    # update
    .on 'best_in_place:success', (e, data) ->
      if $(this).attr('data-inner-class') == 'wysihtml5'
        attr = $(this).attr('data-attribute')
        data = jQuery.parseJSON(data)
        if data[attr]
          $(this).attr('data-original-content', data[attr])

In show.json.jbuilder:

json.extract! @client, :info, ... <any other attributes>
like image 162
Vakiliy Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 12:10
