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"The type or namespace name could not be found" in ASP.NET Core 1.0 RC2

I'm currently trying ASP.NET Core 1.0 RC2. I've created it as a .NET Framework project (as opposed to a .NET Core project) and added references to our Models library, using .NET Framework 4.5, via a project reference:

"frameworks": {
  "net46": {
    "dependencies": {
      "Project.Core": {
        "target": "project"
      "Project.DataAccess": {
        "target": "project"
      "Project.Encryption": {
        "target": "project"
      "Project.Models": {
        "target": "project"
      "Project.Resources": {
        "target": "project"

Now when adding a model directive to my view, the following error occurs:

@model System.Collections.Generic.List<Project.Models.User>

The type or namespace name 'Project' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    public class _Views_Home_Index_cshtml : Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RazorPage<System.Collections.Generic.List<Project.Models.User>>
The type or namespace name 'Project' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
        public Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering.IHtmlHelper<System.Collections.Generic.List<Project.Models.User>> Html { get; private set; }

It also displays in intellisense: Cannot resolve tag 'Project.Models.User' and Cannot resolve symbol 'model'

I have added a project reference, added a using statement... Still this error occurs. Why is that?

like image 233
SeToY Avatar asked Jun 02 '16 10:06


1 Answers

This is a bug in RC2 with an open issue. A workaround in the issue discussion that works for me is:

.AddRazorOptions(options =>
    var previous = options.CompilationCallback;
    options.CompilationCallback = context =>
        context.Compilation = context.Compilation.AddReferences(MetadataReference.CreateFromFile(typeof(MyClass).Assembly.Location));

In your example, you'd need to do this for Project.Models.User.

Not sure whether 4.6.1 and Update 2 is needed for both projects, I've only tried with that.

like image 60
bzlm Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11
