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The selected device specifies an unsupported architecture

I'm trying to launch an Objective C app built on Xcode5 on Xcode6 beta (Version 6.0 (6A215l)). I get the following message when trying to build for any platform except for iPhone 5s:

Xcode cannot run using the selected device.

The selected device specifies an unsupported architecture.

It's not even obvious how to begin troubleshoting this as I can't get to the point where the console is activated. Any pointers?

like image 592
carbocation Avatar asked Jun 03 '14 21:06


2 Answers

I just had this myself.

I tried a few things (closing simulator before running, having it open, resetting), but what seemed to fix it was a simple clean, build and then run

If that's not it then I have a couple of other things I did but I don't think they were responsible

like image 55
Joseph Duffy Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09

Joseph Duffy

I was getting the same issue when the Xcode-> Targets-> General-> Deployment->Devices selected is iPad. but I am going to run this project on iPhone. check your project.

like image 44
SandDepp Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 01:09
