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The right way to move a data-only docker container from one machine to another

I have a database docker container that is writing its data to another data-only container. The data-only container has a volume where it stores the data of the database. Is there a "docker" way of migrating this data-only container from one machine to another? I read about docker save and docker load but these commands save and load images, not containers. I want to be able to package the docker container along with its volumes and move it to another machine.

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Keeto Avatar asked Sep 08 '14 18:09


People also ask

Can you move a Docker image to another machine?

In order to transfer a Docker image from one server to another, what you need to do is first export the image to a file, then copy that file over from your current server to the new one using scp or rsync and finally load the image to your new server.

1 Answers

Checkout the flocker project. Very interesting solution to this problem, using ZFS to snapshot and replicate the storage volume between hosts.

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Mark O'Connor Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 23:10

Mark O'Connor