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The real (or hidden) difference/s between Twitter bootstrap and Angular.js

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What is difference between Bootstrap and AngularJS?

AngularJS is widely used for single page application development as it provides MVC architecture with data model binding. On the other hand, Bootstrap uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for its development which makes it comparatively faster.

What is difference between Bootstrap and Angular Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is a templating framework that mainly uses two core technologies for building web pages: HTML, CSS. It also includes components and multiple JavaScript extensions for fast front-end development. Angular is a structural framework for building dynamic pages with TypeScript opportunities.

Does twitter use Bootstrap?

At Twitter, Bootstrap has quickly become one of our many go-to front-end tools when starting new applications and sites.

Bootstrap is a design framework, for building easy, beautiful looking components and responsive design. It also has basic js components that makes life of any developer easier, prominently of a backend developer, who is not very experienced with HTML design rules.

So, just put the css, check the examples, and replicate it in your project. That's the major flow with Bootstrap.

Angular, is a JS framework, for building complex web apps. It comes in line with Backbone, Ember Js.

Take a simple example of a form, where you wish to make an ajax call on Submit. Now you can make the form, beautiful, by Bootstrap CSS, but you need to make use of javascript or in this case , angular, to make the ajax call and do the required functionality.

These go hand in hand in web apps, they are not competitors.

Bootstrap and AngularJS are 2 very different frameworks.

From SO tags-info


Bootstrap is a front-end framework from Twitter designed to kickstart development of webapps and sites. Among other things, it includes base CSS and HTML for typography, icons, forms, buttons, tables, layout grids, navigation along with custom-built jQuery plug-ins and support for responsive layouts.


AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework for building CRUD centric AJAX style web applications. Its goal is to shim the browser to augment the HTML vocabulary with directives useful for building dynamic web-apps.

Angular ships with directives which add 2-way databinding, DOM control and unrolling, code-behind DOM, form validation, and deep-linking.

From what I understand of bootstrap (with its JS) you can achieve this exact same thing.

No the same thing cannot be achieved by bootstrap. AngularJS gives you features like, 2-way data binding, deep linking, routing, transition animations and a lot lot more. Where as bootstrap provides custom jquery based plugins, cool look and feel, css classes for media queries etc. They are awesome together as angular can be used along with other libraries.

Angular & Bootstrap First of all, Angular and Bootstrap are not alternatives, but complimentary. It means that one is not substituted by the other, but they can be combined together and can complement each other. In other words, they handle different aspects of web application. Therefore, they are not comparable in any sense. However, the difference and similarity between them can be illustrated by following bulleted points.

What is Angular?

  • developed and maintained by Google
  • comprehensive client side (friend-end) JavaScript framework
  • made for ambitious JavaScript Single Page Applications
  • provides set of components to structure your app and organize the project
  • the logic layer for the front end wrapped up nicely in the form of modules, directives, data binding

What is Angular not?

  • not to provide CSS styles, grid classes or JavaScript components (like Modal, Tabs, Navigation Bar, Dropdown menu)

What is Bootstrap?

  • developed by Twitter and now open-sourced
  • a set of well-structured CSS styles, Grid classes and JavaScript components help with animations, creating nice looking widgets (have to write on your own otherwise)
  • handy to build Responsive design well suited for small projects without much customization and development efforts

What is Bootstrap not?

  • not to provide structure to application
  • not to provide common functionality (like routing, controllers and models, MV* architecture)

In Common (Angular & Bootstrap)

  • friend-end frameworks
  • immense open source support
  • come with a set of pre-defined components to fasten/ease the development

In Contrast (Angular Vs Bootstrap)

  • JS (structural) framework vs CSS (theming) framework
  • handles Logic vs deals with Style
  • robust framework vs small-scaled framework
  • for Single-Page Applications vs for any structure