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The 'MSDAORA.1' provider is not registered on the local machine

I have an application that connects to a DB, extracts info, creates a excel file, and then drops the file/emails X people the file.

The application was created in Visual Studios using .NET 2.0 Framework (Windows Form App). It was run on a 32 bit server. But it recently was moved to a 64 bit server. It is now returning with the error message " The 'MSDAORA.1' provider is not registered on the local machine."

I believe that MSDAORA is only supported for 32-bit applications and the Application Pool the app runs under in IIS is not enabled for 32-bit applications.

How would I fix this issue, is there something I can change in IIS? Or is it a code change?

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Eric Avatar asked Feb 14 '23 18:02


1 Answers

Using ORAOLEDB.ORACLE rather than MSDAORA fixed the same issue for me - changing the platform target from 'Any CPU' to 'X86' caused errors within my project in Visual Studio.

See answer here

like image 71
Alex Avatar answered Feb 17 '23 12:02
