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Reading XML file directly in classes using c#




I am pretty new to using XML to define objects in C# I actually managed but there must be a better way.

the data for my game database is structured in several XML files of which this is one of the more elaborate as I use it for testing all over the place

<GameData xmlns:NSW="Napivo.StarWars">
<!-- Ships -->
<!-- AITroopAccelerator -->
<Asset Type="ShipDescription">
<Asset Type="SpriteAnimation">

<Asset Type="WeaponGroup" Num ="0">
  <Weapon Name ="Missile" Angle ="0" X ="0" Y ="0"> </Weapon>

<Asset Type="WeaponGroup" Num ="1">
  <Weapon Name ="NegativeEnergyFlare" Angle ="180" X ="0" Y ="0"> </Weapon>
  <Weapon Name ="Lightning" Angle ="0" X ="0" Y ="0"> </Weapon>
<Asset Type="WeaponGroup" Num ="2">
  <Weapon Name ="FastLazer" Angle ="-10" X ="0" Y ="0"> </Weapon>
  <Weapon Name ="FastLazer" Angle ="+10" X ="0" Y ="0"> </Weapon>
  <Weapon Name ="Ion" Angle ="-90" X ="0" Y ="0"> </Weapon> 

<Asset Type="Armory">
  <Resource Type ="Energy" Ammout ="-1000" Recharge ="0.2"></Resource>
  <Resource Type ="Missile" Ammout ="-10" Recharge ="0"></Resource>



And This is the code I need to write to make heads or tails of this xml file....

private void ReadShipDescription(XmlNode node)
        ShipDescription sd = new ShipDescription();

        XmlNodeList NL = node.ChildNodes;

        foreach (XmlNode n in NL)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", n.Name, n.Value);

            if (n.Name == "Name")
                sd.Name = n.InnerText;

            if (n.Name == "Scale")
                sd.Scale = float.Parse(n.InnerText);

            if (n.Name == "HullStrength")
                sd.HullStrength = float.Parse(n.InnerText);

            if (n.Name == "ShieldStrength")
                sd.ShieldStrength = float.Parse(n.InnerText);

            if (n.Attributes != null)
                foreach (XmlAttribute a in n.Attributes)
                    if ((n.Name == "Asset") && (a.Name == "Type") && (a.Value == "SpriteAnimation"))
                        sd.HullAnimation = ReadSpriteAnimation(n);

                    if ((n.Name == "Asset") && (a.Name == "Type") && (a.Value == "WeaponGroup"))

                    if ((n.Name == "Asset") && (a.Name == "Type") && (a.Value == "Armory"))
                        XmlNode childnode = n.FirstChild;

                        while (childnode != null)
                            ResourceDescription rd = ReadResource(childnode);

                            if (rd.Ammount < 0)
                                rd.Ammount = float.PositiveInfinity;

                            childnode = childnode.NextSibling;

                    Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", a.Name, a.Value);

            if (n.Name == "ColorMask")
                sd.ColorMask = n.InnerText;

        ShipDescriptions.Add(sd.Name, sd);

That doesn't seem right to me.

Can anyone send me somewhere where I can learn how to read objects directly from XML into classes or structures?

Hope I don't get too many down votes for this one.


like image 937
user2888973 Avatar asked Feb 15 '23 22:02


1 Answers

You can use the xsd command to generate C# classes that match your XML:

xsd gamedata.xml   <- creates gamedata.xsd
xsd GameData.xsd /classes

(see Generate C# class from XML for more details)

And then deserialize the XML directly to a set of objects: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/fa420a9y.aspx

like image 54
David Arno Avatar answered Feb 24 '23 16:02

David Arno