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The Model-Repository-Service-Validator-View-ViewModel-Controller design pattern (?)

When I first heard about ASP.NET MVC, I was thinking that would mean applications with three parts: model, view, and controller.

Then I read NerdDinner and learned the ways of repositories and view-models. Next, I read this tutorial and soon became sold on the virtues of a service layer. Finally, I read the Fluent Validation documentation, and I'll be darned if I didn't end up writing a bunch of validators.

Tonight, I took a step back and thought about what had become of my project. It seems to have become the victim of the design pattern equivalent of "feature creep". Somehow I'd gone from Model-View-Controller to Model-Repository-Service-Validator-View-ViewModel-Controller. You want loosely coupled and DRY? We got your loosely coupled and DRY right here! But I'm wondering if this could be a case of too much of a good thing.

Am I right to be concerned? Or is this actually not as crazy as it sounds? On one hand, it seems crazy to have so many layers. On the other hand, every layer has a clearly defined purpose that makes sense to me. Have your MVC applications turned into MRSVVVMC apps too? If not, what do they look like? Where's that right balance?

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devuxer Avatar asked Jan 19 '10 08:01


1 Answers

If you have one form with three attributes, this is overkill.

But if you have a 'real' application, and the responsibilities of each layer are well defined, I'd consider it pretty reasonable.

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Jens Schauder Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 22:09

Jens Schauder