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the game is not recognized by game center

Hi I am trying to add game center to my iphone app. I have done the following steps

1) I have added an app to my itnuesAccount
2) I assigned the Bundle ID as net.myCompany.myGameCenter
3) I am using the same "net.myCompany.myGameCenter" as Bundle identifier in my info.plist
4) using the sample code provided by apple i added the authentication steps.

self.currentLeaderBoard= kEasyLeaderboardID;

 self.currentScore= 0;

 [super viewDidLoad];
 if([GameCenterManager isGameCenterAvailable])
  self.gameCenterManager= [[[GameCenterManager alloc] init] autorelease];
  [self.gameCenterManager setDelegate: self];
  [self.gameCenterManager authenticateLocalUser];

  [self updateCurrentScore];
  [self showAlertWithTitle: @"Game Center Support Required!"
       message: @"The current device does not support Game Center, which this sample requires."];

I have tried putting the kEasyLeaderboardID value equal to the one that i placed myself upon creating the new leader board. I tried the other one, that i defined at step2. "myComap"

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yunas Avatar asked Jan 24 '11 12:01


People also ask

Why can't my phone connect to Game Center?

Sign out of Game Center, then sign back in. If you can't sign in to Game Center with an Apple ID, reset your password or use another email address. To manage your Apple ID, go to My Apple ID. If you're using a Wi-Fi connection, make sure that your Wi-Fi router is configured for Game Center.

How do I change my age restriction on Game Center?

Go to Settings and tap Screen Time. Tap Content & Privacy Restrictions, then tap Content Restrictions. Scroll down to Game Center, then choose your settings.

2 Answers

Gah! This was driving me crazy. I had done everything right, had all the correct bundleIDs, certificates, etc., my app is already in the app store, but I was still getting this message. (iOS9.x, XCode 7.1)

Turns out that adding a single achievement in iTunesConnect made things work. I suspect I could have added a leaderboard, instead.

Basically, the message can also mean "while your app says it's Game Center capable, it doesn't actually have any GC content" and adding an achievement or leaderboard makes the game "recognized" by GC.

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Olie Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 12:10


Well, I tried every tips but still got this warning!!

Finally, I solved it by creating a new App on iTunes Connect!! After you've added a new App for your project, you need to press "Manage Game Center" and choose a group. Then your game will be recognized by the game center, even you haven't added 'Leaderboards' or 'Achievements'.

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Kjuly Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 10:10
