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How to remove previous versions of Xcode




When the 3.2 beta of the iPhone OS first came out, Xcode for 3.2 had to be installed side-by-side with the version for 3.1.2. I installed the new version (3.2) in /Developer and moved 3.1.2 to /Xcode3.1.2. Now I want to get rid of the old version and just use the new one since we can do that now.

I ran the uninstall tool at /Xcode3.1.2/Library/uninstall-devtools and uninstall-developer-folder, but the directory still exists and has lots of stuff still in it, adding up to about 5 GB. At this point, am I safe just deleting the folder if I want to totally get rid of it and still use the /Developer folder?

(At about 8 GB, it's got lots more in it, but I'm not sure if that's just because it's larger or because the old version was 8 GB before I ran the uninstall tool)?

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Ed Marty Avatar asked Apr 21 '10 14:04

Ed Marty

1 Answers

After running (DevToolsFolder)/Library/uninstall-devtools, there always seems to be something left over. I just delete the folder at that point and move forward.

However, in your situation -- moving forward from a beta, I always:

  • run uninstall-devtools on every developer tools folder
  • delete each developer tools folder
  • reinstall the final/production version of developer tools

This isn't supposed to be necessary, but beta software installs are not always well behaved, and this process does a thorough cleanup.

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dodgio Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09
