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the From<&String> trait is not implemented for the type String

I'm going off of this article in an attempt to write a function that accepts both a String and a &str, but I'm running into a problem. I have the following function:

pub fn new<S>(t_num: S) -> BigNum where S: Into<String> {
    let t_value = t_num.into();
    let t_digits = t_value.len();
    BigNum { value: t_value, digits: t_digits }

BigNum is a simple struct, the problem however is when I attempted to call this with a &collections::string::String I get an error:

let line = "123456".to_string()
let big = bignum::BigNum::new(&line)

main.rs:23:15: 23:34 error: the trait `core::convert::From<&collections::string::String>` is not implemented for the type `collections::string::String` [E0277]
main.rs:23     let big = bignum::BigNum::new(&line);

I was under the impression that a &String will be implicitly broken down into a &str no? And in that case the Into trait would convert the &str into a String I could then use. What am I doing wrong?

like image 267
Syntactic Fructose Avatar asked Jul 18 '15 14:07

Syntactic Fructose

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1 Answers

You're conflating two different processes.

First, there's coercion; in particular, Deref coercion. This happens when the compiler sees that you have a &U, but you want a &T. Provided there is an impl Deref<Target=T> for U, it will do the coercion for you. This is why a &String will coerce to a &str.

However, this does not come into play when the compiler is substituting generic type parameters. When you say BigNum::new(&line), what the compiler sees is that you're trying to pass a &String where it expects an S; thus, S must be &String, thus S must implement Into<String> and... oh no! It doesn't! BOOM! Coercion is never triggered because the compiler never needs to coerce anything; unfulfilled type constraints are a different problem.

In this particular case, what you should do depends on your circumstances:

  • You can just pass a String; use line or line.clone(). This is the most efficient in that you can always pass in an owned String you no longer need and avoid an extra allocation.

  • You can instead take an &S with S: ?Sized + AsRef<str>, which doesn't allow you to pass an owned string, but if you're always going to allocate anyway, this may be more ergonomic.

Here's an example of both in action:

use std::convert::AsRef;

fn main() {
    // take_a_string(&String::from("abc")); // Boom!

    // take_a_string_ref(String::from("abc")); // Boom!

fn take_a_string<S>(s: S)
where S: Into<String> {
    let s: String = s.into();
    println!("{:?}", s);

fn take_a_string_ref<S: ?Sized>(s: &S)
where S: AsRef<str> {
    let s: String = s.as_ref().into();
    println!("{:?}", s);
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DK. Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 11:10