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The entity type <type> is not part of the model for the current context

Put this in your custom DbContext class:

protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)

If your tables are not created on startup, this is why. You need to tell the DbContext about them in the OnModelCreating method override.

You can either do custom per-entity mappings here, or separate them out into separate EntityTypeConfiguration<T> classes.

Apparently, this error is very generic, it could have a number of reasons. In my case, it was the following: The connection string (in Web.config) generated by the .edmx was invalid. After almost a day of trying everything, I changed the connection string from the EF string to an ADO.NET string. This solved my issue.

For example, the EF string looks something like this:

  <add name="BlogContext"  
                               provider connection string= 
                               &quot;data source=(localdb)\v11.0; 
                               initial catalog=Blogging;
                               integrated security=True; 
     providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" /> 

And the ADO.NET string looks like this:

  <add name="BlogContext"  
        Integrated Security=True;"/> 

Source: http://msdn.microsoft.com/nl-nl/data/jj556606.aspx

For me the issue was that I had not included the Entity Class within my db set inside the context for entity framework.

public DbSet<ModelName> ModelName { get; set; }

You may try removing the table from the model and adding it again. You can do this visually by opening the .edmx file from the Solution Explorer.


  1. Double click the .edmx file from the Solution Explorer
  2. Right click on the table head you want to remove and select "Delete from Model"
  3. Now again right click on the work area and select "Update Model from Database.."
  4. Add the table again from the table list
  5. Clean and build the solution