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How to get the current date without the time?



People also ask

How do I get current date and time in SQL query?

SQL Server GETDATE() Function The GETDATE() function returns the current database system date and time, in a 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. mmm' format.

How do I display current date and time?

The Clock. systemUTC(). instant() method returns the current date and time both.

Well, you can get just today's date as a DateTime using the Today property:

 DateTime today = DateTime.Today;

or more generally, you can use the Date property. For example, if you wanted the UTC date you could use:

 DateTime dateTime = DateTime.UtcNow.Date;

It's not very clear whether that's what you need or not though... if you're just looking to print the date, you can use:


or use an explicit format:


See more about standard and custom date/time format strings. Depending on your situation you may also want to specify the culture.

If you want a more expressive date/time API which allows you to talk about dates separately from times, you might want to look at the Noda Time project which I started. It's not ready for production just yet, but we'd love to hear what you'd like to do with it...

See, here you can get only date by passing a format string. You can get a different date format as per your requirement as given below for current date:


Result : "9/1/2015"


Result : "9-1-2015"


Result : "2015-09-01"

DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");

Result : "2015-09-01 09:20:10"

For more details take a look at MSDN reference for Custom Date and Time Format Strings

Use DateTime.Today property. It will return date component of DateTime.Now. It is equivalent of DateTime.Now.Date.

Current Time :


Current Date :


You can use following code to get the date and time separately.

DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
string date = now.GetDateTimeFormats('d')[0];
string time = now.GetDateTimeFormats('t')[0];

You can also, check the MSDN for more information.