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The difference between the X-Forwarded-For header and the Via header

I am developing a proxy and have been investigating the headers by looking at the W3 Guidelines. My proxy adds the incoming REMOTE-ADDR to the X-FORWARDED-FOR header but I'm not sure how this compares with the Via header. I've looked on the wikipedia page and this lists

Via: 1.0 fred, 1.1 example.com (Apache/1.1)

but I have not found any instructions as to how this should be built up.

like image 319
Mr Wilde Avatar asked Mar 06 '13 13:03

Mr Wilde

1 Answers

They're both headers that indicate that content has passed through proxy, and it's fine to include both headers.

The Via header is for protocol version (so you know if connection has been downgraded at any point), hostname of proxy and optional product/version of the proxy (like User-Agent of the proxy). It's just for information/debugging or identifying and working around buggy proxies (e.g. if you wanted to use request pipelining you'd watch that space).

XFF is for forwarding original IP of the client to the server. If the server trusts the proxy (or chain of proxies) it can use it instead of connection's IP.

like image 75
Kornel Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 14:10
