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The argument type 'Map<String, dynamic> Function()' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'Map<String, dynamic>'

This could initially was working but after firebase update, it is now giving me this error. I have added asterisks to the part giving the error. The error message has been added beneath the code.

import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';

class Record {
  final String name;
  final int totalVotes;
  final DocumentReference reference;

  Record.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map, {this.reference})
      : assert(map['name'] != null),
        assert(map['totalVotes'] != null),
        name = map['name'],
        totalVotes = map['totalVotes'];

  Record.fromSnapshot(DocumentSnapshot snapshot)
      : this.fromMap(**snapshot.data**, reference: snapshot.reference);

  String toString() => "Record<$name:$totalVotes>";

class Voters {
  String uid;
  String voteId;
  String markedVoteOption;

The argument type 'Map<String, dynamic> Function()' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'Map<String, dynamic>'.

like image 971
Kennedy Owusu Avatar asked Aug 26 '20 12:08

Kennedy Owusu

4 Answers

This works for me.

Record.fromSnapshot(DocumentSnapshot snapshot)
          : this.fromMap(snapshot.data() as Map<String, dynamic>, reference: snapshot.reference);
like image 179
Nimesha Prasadini Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 10:10

Nimesha Prasadini

Try the following:

  Record.fromSnapshot(DocumentSnapshot snapshot)
      : this.fromMap(snapshot.data(), reference: snapshot.reference);

data() is a method:

  /// Contains all the data of this [DocumentSnapshot].
  Map<String, dynamic> data() {
    return _CodecUtility.replaceDelegatesWithValueInMap(
        _delegate.data(), _firestore);

that returns a Map<String, dynamic>

like image 32
Peter Haddad Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 11:10

Peter Haddad

It's because DocumentSnapshot.data() is a function that returns Map<String, dynamic>.

So, the answer is:

  Record.fromSnapshot(DocumentSnapshot snapshot)
      : this.fromMap(snapshot.data(), reference: snapshot.reference);
like image 4
hayashi-ay Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 09:10


Apparently all that was needed was parentheses on the maps

import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart';

class Record {
  final String name;
  final int votes;
  final DocumentReference reference;

  Record.fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> map(), {this.reference})
      : assert(map()['name'] != null),
        assert(map()['votes'] != null),
        name = map()['name'],
        votes = map()['votes'];

  Record.fromSnapshot(DocumentSnapshot snapshot)
      : this.fromMap(snapshot.data, reference: snapshot.reference);

  String toString() => "Record<$name:$votes>";

like image 1
Gene Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 11:10
