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How To Check Whether User is Disabled or Not in Firebase Auth

I have a Login System implemented using Firebase Auth, But Whenever I Disable any user he/she can still be logged.

But When he/she log out and login him/her by themselves, then the disable system is working.

So what should I do to check every time, whether a user is disabled or not? Is there any function or something?


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Pranav Fulkari Avatar asked Nov 11 '17 16:11

Pranav Fulkari

People also ask

How can I get user details of Firebase authentication?

If the user login with a custom "email/password" you don't know anything else about that user (apart from the unique user id). If a user login with Facebook, or with Google sign in, you can get other information like the profile picture url. It is explained here: firebase.google.com/docs/auth/android/… .

How do I block someone on Firebase authentication?

If you want to build a list of "blocked users" that will be able to authenticate but will have restricted access, you can store the blocked ids in a node on your firebase database like /databaseRoot/blockedUsers and then work with the security and rules .

2 Answers

You can check the state by FirebaseAuth.getInstance().getCurrentUser().reload(); or FirebaseUser.reload() - The code Manually refreshes the data of the current user (for example, attached providers, display name, and so on).

In Android Java, if 1st the email account is disabled in Firebase Authentication Dashboard && (2nd) in your Android code the above .reload() is made, then the next FirebaseAuth.getInstance().getCurrentUser(); call will return a null.


FirebaseAuthInvalidUserException thrown if the current user's account has been disabled, deleted, or its credentials are no longer valid

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grey87 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09


If you disable or delete a user account does not mean that it also fires an auth state change. Nor should it, because the user is still authenticated in application. You need to know that in at most an hour, Firebase Authentication will try to refresh the access token for that particular user that was disabled or deleted. But in this case that refresh will fail, at which point the user will become unauthenticated. This is the point in which the auth state change event will fire.

If you want to revoke the user's authorization immediately, you'll have to do so in another part of your application logic. A common practice when it comes to Firebase is to create a new node in your database called blacklist that should look like this:

   --- bannedUsers
          uidOfBannedUser: true

Now when you delete/disable a user's account in your Firebase console, you also need to add the corresponding uid to the list of banned users in the database.

The database can then be secured against access from unauthorized users with the help of Firebase Database Security Rules. This can be done by adding a clause to your database security rules like this:

  "rules": {
    "bannedUsers": {
      ".read": true,
      ".write": false // only admins can write these
    "messages": {
      ".read": "auth != null && !root.child('bannedUsers').child(auth.uid).exists()"

If you use a different back-end, the implementation will be different. There can orher more examples but a blacklist like this is a common approach to ban users. You'll find that you may even care little enough about their authentication that you only ban them, instead of deleting their credentials, which they could simply recreate.

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Alex Mamo Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 17:09

Alex Mamo