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the application requires that assembly microsoft.reportviewer.processingObjectModel version be installed in the global assembly cache first

I have a small windows forms application created in Visual Studio 2012 that uses ReportViewer version

The application target framework is .NET 4.0 and its deployment method is ClickOnce

On my PC it installs but on client machines, intallation fails with error

the application requires that assembly microsoft.reportviewer.processingObjectModel version be installed in the global assembly cache first.

On the client machines, i have installed

  • .NET 4.0
  • ReportViewer 2010
  • Microsoft Report Viewer 2012 Runtime CTP

in the project application files settings, i have set microsoft.reportviewer.processingObjectModel publish status to Include(Auto), in the references i have also set its Copy Local property to True.

what am i missing?

I have even followed the instructions here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms251723.aspx

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StackTrace Avatar asked May 10 '13 06:05


4 Answers

Here is (arguably) the best way to deal with this issue... without downloading or installing any extras. This worked with Visual Studio 2012 (Ultimate)

  1. Goto the main project within your solution(default/statup project)
  2. Right Click and Click Properties / Select "Your Project">> Project>> Properties
  3. Click on "Publish" Tab to see publishing options
  4. Goto "Install Mode and Settings">> Click "Application Files" and Dialog opens
  5. Go down and look for the items set with "Publish Status" > Prerequisite
  6. You will find ReportViewer and Several Other Files set to Prerequisite
  7. Change all the Publish Statuses to "Include" in the drop down
  8. I know you only need the ReportViewer Only but this will eliminate other potential problems I came across
  9. Now all the required files will be added to your installation setup good to go!
  10. For interest, you can change include a desktop icon under "Install Mode and Settings">>Options>Mainfests>Create Desktop Short Cut
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Vectoria Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 23:09


you are missing the ProcessingObjectModel.dll file find the version in gac assembly C:\windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.ReportViewer.ProcessingObjectModel and add it to bin dir.

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zeusmos Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 22:09


We had the same issue, but the thing is, its automatically adding it to the references (microsoft.reportviewer.processingObjectModel), if u EXCLUDE it from the publishing properties(properties->publish->application files), It might fix it.

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Buzzzzzzz Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 23:09


A better option would be to install the Microsoft Report Viewer 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package at: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=6610

Your users will need to have this package installed as well. If you just copy and paste a MS DLL, you'll have to redeploy it every time you upgrade your application.

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adamjhilton Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 00:09
