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tgkill - native error on Android 8.0 Samsung S8

Recently I started getting Android native crashes (reported in Google Play vitals). They happen only on Samsung Galaxy S8 or S8+ phones with Android 8.

According to the stack trace it is related to the UI renderer thread. However I don't know how to fix it or even where exactly in the app does it happen.

Any idea how to find out where in the app does this happen? And why only Galaxy S8 with Android 8 are affected? Thanks.

  #00  pc 0000000000071854  /system/lib64/libc.so (tgkill+8)
  #01  pc 000000000001e058  /system/lib64/libc.so (abort+88)
  #02  pc 0000000000008248  /system/lib64/liblog.so (__android_log_assert+328)
  #03  pc 0000000000052430  /system/lib64/libhwui.so (_ZN7android10uirenderer12renderthread10EglManager11damageFrameERKNS1_5FrameERK6SkRect+320)
  #04  pc 000000000004f9dc  /system/lib64/libhwui.so (_ZN7android10uirenderer12renderthread14OpenGLPipeline4drawERKNS1_5FrameERK6SkRectS8_RKNS0_12FrameBuilder13LightGeometryEPNS0_16LayerUpdateQueueERKNS0_4RectEbRKNS0_15BakedOpRenderer9LightInfoERKNSt3__16vectorINS_2spINS0_10RenderNodeEEENSM_9allocatorISQ_EEEEPNS0_19FrameInfoVisualizerE+76)
  #05  pc 000000000004d7e0  /system/lib64/libhwui.so (_ZN7android10uirenderer12renderthread13CanvasContext4drawEv+176)
  #06  pc 00000000000511e8  /system/lib64/libhwui.so (_ZN7android10uirenderer12renderthread13DrawFrameTask3runEv+184)
  #07  pc 0000000000058494  /system/lib64/libhwui.so (_ZN7android10uirenderer12renderthread12RenderThread10threadLoopEv+356)
  #08  pc 0000000000011c58  /system/lib64/libutils.so (_ZN7android6Thread11_threadLoopEPv+280)
  #09  pc 00000000000fd688  /system/lib64/libandroid_runtime.so (_ZN7android14AndroidRuntime15javaThreadShellEPv+136)
  #10  pc 000000000006de44  /system/lib64/libc.so (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+36)
  #11  pc 000000000001f9a4  /system/lib64/libc.so (__start_thread+68)
like image 372
petrsyn Avatar asked May 15 '18 22:05


1 Answers

Logcat analysis

This is where your code is crashing EglManager.cpp:

void EglManager::damageFrame(const Frame& frame, const SkRect& dirty) {
#ifdef EGL_KHR_partial_update
    if (EglExtensions.setDamage && mSwapBehavior == SwapBehavior::BufferAge) {
        EGLint rects[4];
        frame.map(dirty, rects);
        if (!eglSetDamageRegionKHR(mEglDisplay, frame.mSurface, rects, 1)) {
            LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("Failed to set damage region on surface %p, error=%s",
                    (void*)frame.mSurface, egl_error_str());

Called from SkiaOpenGLPipeline.cpp:

SkiaOpenGLPipeline::draw //method

mEglManager.damageFrame(frame, dirty);

Why ?

It seems you may have a 'Failed to set damage region on surface', probably after onResume() from screen rotation or onPause() in your Activity. See fixing-common-android-lifecycle-issues


I started getting this crash after updating to Oreo, every-time I started my app, with the message "Failed to set damage region on surface" followed by all those lines about libhwui.so and EglManager And it turned out that, for some obscure reason, it was somehow caused by a totally unrelated problem in my app (too many open files [forgot to close them]). After fixing this my own bug, no more crashes on the EglManager. [also note that crashes only happen if hardware acceleration is turned on] Ref: issuetracker.google.com { issue 70259031}

See also: eglCreateWindowSurface {SO problem}, Logging, native-crashes-on-abort-in-developer-console-with-oreo-8-1 {SO problem}, hardware-acceleration, opengl, GLSurfaceView

like image 143
Jon Goodwin Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 03:11

Jon Goodwin