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TFSBuild command line / vNext 2015

Premise: I think this is a bug/missing functionality in TFS 2015

When I create a new Build (non-xaml) definition using the TFS website, I am not able to call it using the command line TFSBuild start command.

If I create a standard XAML definition, I can start it using the command line.

Any idea if the command line is not able to start a new-style definition?

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Giuseppe Avatar asked Mar 14 '23 22:03


1 Answers

The TFS Build vNext is an entirely new feature in 2015. Hence, I doubt that it can be addressed by the old API (available pre-2015). On the other hand, tfsbuild.exe is unlikely to contain the code to work with the new REST API. I would say it is expected behavior.

then what's the eway to start a TFS Build vNext from command line?

I'm not aware about an ad-hoc tool, but you can achieve the similar effect with Invoke-RestMethod and TFS REST API.

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Yan Sklyarenko Avatar answered Mar 25 '23 00:03

Yan Sklyarenko