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TextFX menu is missing in Notepad++



There is no TextFX menu in the menu bar in my Notepad++ installation.

How do I add it?

There is nothing in Plugins -> Plugin Manager -> Show Plugin Manager -> Available tab

I reinstalled as Dave recommended in his answer (https://stackoverflow.com/a/12699834/362951), but nothing changed.

like image 621
AWE Avatar asked Oct 02 '12 10:10


People also ask

How do I enable TextFX in Notepad ++?

Install TextFX plugin to notepad++ within NotePad++ choose "Settings" | "Import" | "Import plugin(s)..." and import the . DLL from that location. Immediately I see a "TextFX" menu item.

How do I show the plugin Manager in Notepad ++?

Opening the Notepad++ Plugin Manager The Plugins Admin dialog box (or plugin manager) lists the available and installed plugins. You can install additional plugins, update, and remove included plugins with this dialog box. To open the Notepad++ plugin manager, go to Plugins > Plugins Admin.

How do I add text to FX?

Go to Plugins → Plugin Manager → Show Plugin Manager. Check TextFX Characters and click Install. Confirm the restart. You'll now have the TextFX menu.

2 Answers

It should usually work using the method Dave described in his answer. (I can confirm seeing "TextFX Characters" in the Available tab in Plugin Manager.)

If it does not, you can try downloading the zip file from here and put its contents (it's one file called NppTextFX.dll) inside the plugins folder where Notepad++ is installed. I suggest doing this while Notepad++ itself is not running.

like image 186
Isxek Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 09:09


For 32 bit Notepad++ only

Plugins -> Plugin Manager -> Show Plugin Manager -> Available tab -> TextFX Characters -> Install.

It was removed from the default installation as it caused issues with certain configurations, and there's no maintainer.

like image 42
Dave Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 11:09
