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TextEditingController vs OnChanged




I am looking for a better explanation on the benefit of TextEditingController over OnChanged event for a TextField.

My understanding is that onChanged's setState notifies all widgets of the change in state variable value. This way any widget (e.g. Text) can simply use the state variable and it will be notified of its changes.

My false hopes were TextEditingController would make it even simpler that I won't even need a state variable. Something like below:

import "package:flutter/material.dart";  class TestForm extends StatefulWidget {   @override   State<StatefulWidget> createState() {     return TestFormState();   } }  class TestFormState extends State<TestForm> {   //string myStateVariable = "";   final ctrl = TextEditingController();    @override   Widget build(BuildContext context) {      var tf = TextField(       controller: ctrl,     );      var t = Text("Current value: " + ctrl.text);  // <<<<<<<<<<< false hope! doesnt work!      var x = Column(children: <Widget>[tf,t],);      return MaterialApp(home: Material(child: Scaffold(       appBar: AppBar(title: Text("Test Form"),),       body: x,     )));   } } 

Can anyone explain why TextEditingController or something similar cannot manage the state itself and notifies all consumers of change in state?


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S2L Avatar asked Jul 05 '19 13:07


People also ask

What is TextEditingController?

TextEditingController class Null safety. A controller for an editable text field. Whenever the user modifies a text field with an associated TextEditingController, the text field updates value and the controller notifies its listeners.

Should I dispose TextEditingController?

Second, remember to dispose of the TextEditingController inside dispose() when it is no longer needed. This will ensure we discard any resources used by the object. There is no need to dispose of it while in use. Remember: the controller is not there to notify listeners of the changes inside the text input field.

What is onChanged in flutter?

onChanged. Called when the user initiates a change to the TextField's value: when they have inserted or deleted text. This callback doesn't run when the TextField's text is changed programmatically, via the TextField's controller.

How do you use TextEditingController?

To create a new TextEditingController , just call the constructor. You can call it without the parameter, which means the initial text is empty. Usually it's stored as a state variable. Optionally you can also set the initial value by passing text parameter.

1 Answers

You are just not setting state synchronously that's all. What onChanged does is exactly possible with this approach:

class _TestFormState extends State<TestForm> {   late TextEditingController controller;    @override   void initState() {     controller = TextEditingController()       ..addListener(() {         setState(() {});       });     super.initState();   }    @override   void dispose() {     controller.dispose();     super.dispose();   }    @override   Widget build(BuildContext context) {     return Column(       mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround,       children: <Widget>[         Text('Current Value: ${controller.text}'),         TextField(           controller: controller,         ),       ],     );   } } 

As you see, we have listener that setting state every time state of the controller changes. This is exactly what onChanged does.

So, about benefits, you can achieve everything with both approach, it's a subjective way.

About benefits: If you need to hold field values within Stream, onChanged is what you need. In other cases you may use controller.

Actually you won't need both in most of time in my opinion because TextFormField + Form within StatefulWidget is quite complete way to implement form pages. Checkout cookbook: https://flutter.dev/docs/cookbook/forms/validation

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Esen Mehmet Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 07:09

Esen Mehmet