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Flutter - Overlay card widget on a container

In flutter, is it possible to place a part of a card on another container? In CSS, we would set margin-top to a negative value or use translate property. In flutter as we cannot set negative values to margin-top, is there an alternative to that?

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Praveen Kumar Avatar asked Mar 21 '18 09:03

Praveen Kumar

People also ask

How do you overlay widgets in Flutter?

The Overlay in Flutter makes it easy to create visual elements on top of other widgets by adding them to the Overlay's stack. OverlayEntry is used to insert a widget into the Overlay, then Positioned or AnimatedPositioned is used to determine where it will enter within the Overlay.

2 Answers

Yes, you can acheive it with a Stack widget. You can stack a card over the background and provide a top or bottom padding.

A simple example would look like:

class StackDemo extends StatelessWidget {   @override   Widget build(BuildContext context) {     return new Stack(       children: <Widget>[         // The containers in the background         new Column(           children: <Widget>[             new Container(               height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * .65,               color: Colors.blue,             ),             new Container(               height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * .35,               color: Colors.white,             )           ],         ),         // The card widget with top padding,          // incase if you wanted bottom padding to work,          // set the `alignment` of container to Alignment.bottomCenter         new Container(           alignment: Alignment.topCenter,           padding: new EdgeInsets.only(               top: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * .58,               right: 20.0,               left: 20.0),           child: new Container(             height: 200.0,             width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,             child: new Card(               color: Colors.white,               elevation: 4.0,             ),           ),         )       ],     );   } } 

The output of the above code would look something like:

enter image description here

Hope this helps!

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Hemanth Raj Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 04:09

Hemanth Raj

To do this,You Implement Positioned of the card using Stack widget in Flutter.

Stack class is useful if you want to overlap several children in a simple way,

Positioned widget that controls where a child of a Stack is positioned.

Note: Stack paints its children in order with the first child being at the bottom.

👉 So let's start without wasting time how do we do this.

Create a Stack widget and wrap it inside the Positioned widget for give it the correct position and set a widget position as you needed.

  @override   Widget build(BuildContext context) {     return new Stack(       alignment: Alignment.center,       children: <Widget>[         Positioned(           top: 0,           child: Container(             color: Colors.deepPurple,             width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width,             height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * .35,           ),         ),         Positioned(           top: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * .25,           left: 15,           right: 15,           child: Card(             elevation: 8,             color: Colors.white,             shape:                 RoundedRectangleBorder(borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10)),             child: Container(               width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * .90,               height: 220,               child: Row(                 mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly,                 children: <Widget>[                   Column(                     mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,                     children: <Widget>[                       Icon(                         Icons.scanner,                         color: Colors.deepPurple,                         size: 45,                       ),                       Text("SCAN QR")                     ],                   ),                   Container(                     height: 100,                     width: 2,                     color: Colors.deepPurple,                   ),                   Column(                     mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,                    children: <Widget>[                      Icon(                        Icons.bluetooth,                        color: Colors.deepPurple,                        size: 45,                      ),                      Text("BEACON")                    ],                   )                  ],               ),             ),           ),         ),       ],     );   } 

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Paresh Mangukiya Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 04:09

Paresh Mangukiya