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Text wrapping of several Text elements in react-native?

Let's say I have the following react-native code:


 <View style={styleOptions.container}>
<Text style={styleOptions.regular}>
    Hello world I am going to eat some Pizza for the sake of eating pizza.{" "}
<Text style={[{ fontWeight: "bold" }, styleOptions.strong]}>
    Super Pizza Store.{" "}
<Text style={styleOptions.regular}>You will pay $10</Text>
<Text style={[{ textAlignVertical: "top" }, styleOptions.superscript]}>
<Text style={styleOptions.regular}>. I doubt you can afford it.</Text>

And the styleOptions is defined in this file.

 const styleOptions = {
container: {
    flexDirection: "row",
    flexWrap: "wrap",
    width: 300,
    padding: 10
regular: { fontSize: 13 },
superscript: { fontSize: 8 },
strong: { fontSize: 13 }

I see the following output:

enter image description here

The problem is that there is a line break after "Super Pizza Store" and after the exponent. I'd imagine that's because each Text component is too long to fit in the space of 300px.

How do I get rid of line breaks and only allow for natural line breaks? Ideally, I want to limit my changes to Style.jsonly. As a last resort, if absolutely necessary, I will restructure the contents of FormatText.js.

like image 481
John Avatar asked Mar 28 '18 13:03


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1 Answers

Your parent element contains the styles


therefore it will wrap the child elements if their width is less than 200

Since your child elements are multiple, therefore whoever doesn't satisfy the above condition gets wrapped as a whole.

For this you might consider using nested Text elements as nested ones

<View style={styleOptions.container}>
  <Text style={styleOptions.regular}>Hello world I am going to eat some Pizza for the sake of eating pizza.
    <Text style={[{fontWeight:"bold"},styleOptions.strong]}>Super Pizza Store. </Text>
    <Text style={styleOptions.regular}>You will pay $10</Text>
    <Text style={[{textAlignVertical:'top'},styleOptions.superscript]}>8</Text>
    <Text style={styleOptions.regular}>.  I doubt you can afford it.</Text>
like image 59
Pritish Vaidya Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 11:10

Pritish Vaidya