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Text Wrap with CSS

I have a much longer string of numbers randomly generated. I am displaying it in one div block. As it is much longer single string. It is being written in one single line.

For example:

String str="13,7,5,1,10,7,18,11,17,10,9,16,17,9,6,19,6,13,2,18,6,9,8,5,15,4,17,16,12,8,19,16,5,9,6,16,16,5,16,12,0,14,7,11,12,11,12,16,8,3,16,3,1,10,4,14,5,9,4,3,8,3,0,19,5,7,8,7,13,14,4,3,12,6,5,19,17,3,3,19,0,4,14,8,15,17,14,5,9,3,9,19,18,8,10,0,6,1,18,16,3,16,10,9,15,10,4,7,1,7,11,6,11,16,4,11,10,1,0,15,16,19,6,15,18,14,16,16,5,17,9,19,12,7,14,14,11,19,18,10,9,5,11,2,9,0,3,15,14,1,7,14,12,17,1,10,14,5,17,16,19,10,12,6,19,16,5,19,10,9,18,14,11,9,1,18,0,10,0,19,7,17,2,4,14,2,1,3,9,17,11,7,12,4,7,5,17,2,1,6,19,14,5,3,2,6";

<div id='row' style='width:100px;height:500px;'>


I have set the fixed width to div block. I want to display this longer string in multiple rows,rather than displaying in one line.

I tried css 'text-wrap:normal'. It doesn't work. Actually, this property doesn't work in all browsers.

like image 632
Umesh Patil Avatar asked Mar 13 '12 09:03

Umesh Patil

4 Answers

use the word-wrap:break-word; css style:

<div id='row' style='word-wrap:break-word;'>


MDN docs:

The word-wrap CSS property is used to to specify whether or not the browser is allowed to break lines within words in order to prevent overflow when an otherwise unbreakable string is too long to fit.

About the text-wrap that you tried: I could not find it in MDN!, but found this in w3school:

"The text-wrap property is not supported in any of the major browsers."

like image 81
gdoron is supporting Monica Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 02:10

gdoron is supporting Monica

Write word-wrap:break-word in .row DIV css. Write like this:


Check this http://jsfiddle.net/Rfc2j/1/

like image 37
sandeep Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10


Just use word-wrap: break-word

example fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/Rfc2j/

like image 38
Fabrizio Calderan Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

Fabrizio Calderan

Use word-wrap:break-word; property instead of text-wrap:normal

like image 26
Gaurav Agrawal Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

Gaurav Agrawal