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Text rendering in metal



I am trying to develop my own mini game engine in Apple metal on a mac and I am stuck at a place where I want to render text on the GPU. I do not have much graphics programming experience and hence I am not sure how to do it. I stumbled upon an article written by warren more using signed distance fields. But I do not know how it works and I am unable to understand it completely (lack of my graphics knowledge) to implement it myself. The blog post has a code sample which is written in obj-c but unfortunately i do not know obj-c. Is there some swift version of it? Or can someone explain / give pointers on how to render text in metal?

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Aravindh S Avatar asked Sep 06 '18 19:09

Aravindh S

People also ask

What is text rendering?

Text rendering is the process of converting a string to a format that is readable to the user. For simple scripts, this process is straightforward. For more complicated scripts, there are many factors that lead to the correct rendering of a string. Capitalization, upper-casing, and lower-casing.

How does text rendering work?

The process of transforming font outlines into pixels is called rasterization. The operating system's text-rendering engine places the outline (ie the shape) of each character at the desired font size on a pixel grid. Next, it colours all the pixels whose centre is inside the outline (see image below).

1 Answers

I have been down this road before. I think you might find SceneKit useful if you are after 3D text.

If you are OK with using SceneKit to drive your rendering: SCNText with a SCNView.

If you have your own command buffer, and you can get away with blending your text on TOP of the rest of your graphics: you can still use SCNText, by using the render() method of a SCNRenderer to render to encode a scene's render commands onto a command buffer.

If you want to avoid SceneKit's rendering process, I would recommend doing this: create a SCNText in a SCNTransaction like so:

    import SceneKit
    let sceneText = SCNText(string: text, extrusionDepth: extrusionDepth)
    let mdlMesh = MDLMesh(scnGeometry: sceneText, bufferAllocator: yourBufferAllocator)
    let mesh = try MTKMesh(mesh: mdlMesh, device: MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()!)

This MTKMesh will have three vertex buffers; the first one (0) is a list of positions in packed_float3 format, the second (1) a list of normals in packed_float3 format, the third (2) a list of texture coordinates in packed_float2 format. Just make sure to reflect that in your vertex shader. It will have 1-5 submeshes with their own index buffers, corresponding I believe to front, back, front chamfer, back chamfer, and extrusion side.

Now, if you are after 2D text, you can either use this method above with an extrusionDepth close to zero, or you can harness CoreText directly to do font metrics and render textured quads with a font atlas texture like the commenter suggested.

The ability to understand Objective-C is certainly useful as well, but you may not need it for this problem specifically. I tried to be brief on my explanations since I don't know what your exact goal is with this problem, but I can provide more detail on any of those methods upon request.

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Dennis L Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 03:10

Dennis L