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Testing redirect links to external sites

I have a link on a page /my/example/page which links to a laravel route my.route.


Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth']], function () {
    Route::group(['middleware' => ['Some\Custom\Auth\Middleware:1']], function () {
        Route::match(['GET', 'POST'], '/my/route/to/external/controller', 'exampleController@externalLink')->name('my.route');

Link on /my/example/page

<a href="/my/route/to/external/controller">Link</a>

This route /my/route/to/external/controller points to this controller method externalLink in the exampleController controller, which returns the url for the href to use

public function externalLink()
    return $this->redirect->away('www.externalsite.com');

My test is


I constantly get the error


when I use the click() testing method.

I can catch this using @expectedException but his doesn't help as I am expecting to see a different page.

I have also tried (not together);


From browser inspection, when the url is clicked I get

http://www.example.com/my/route/to/external      302
http://www.externalsite.com                      200

How can I functionally test the button being clicked and redirecting to an external site?

like image 236
myol Avatar asked Apr 22 '16 09:04


People also ask

How do I redirect a link to another website?

Under the Domain category, choose the Redirects menu. You'll see the Create a Redirect section. Here, you'll need to fill in which URL you want to Redirect and where you want it to Redirect To. Make sure your information is correct and choose the right connection protocol – HTTP or HTTPS.

What is external redirect?

URL redirection is forwarding a user from one page to another page. There are basically two types of redirection:- Internal Redirection: Forwarding to internal pages. External Redirection: Forwarding to external pages (Other domains).

1 Answers

I am struggling with a similar problem right now, and I have just about given up on testing the endpoint directly. Opting for a solution like this...

Test that the link contains proper information in the view:

    ->seeElement('a', ['href' => route('my.route')]);

Moving the logic in the controller to something you can test directly. The Laravel\Socialite package has some interesting tests that might be helpful if you do this...

class ExternalLinkRedirect {
    public function __construct($request){
        $this->request = $request;

    public function redirect()
        return redirect()->away('exteranlsite.com');

Then test it directly

    $route = route('my.route');
    $request = \Illuminate\Http\Request::create($route);
    $redirector = new ExternalLinkRedirect($request);
    $response = $redirector->redirect();
    $this->assertEquals('www.externalsite.com', $response->getTargetUrl());
like image 114
AndyBeeSee Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09
