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Testing objects equality in NodeJS

We are writing tests for a program. We want to write a functionnal test that verifies that the output of the program matches some expectation. The object returned is a complex JS object (with nested objects, many properties... etc).

We want to test that this obviously matches what we need. Up until now, we were "browsing" the object and the expected outcome, checking for each property, and each nested object. That is very cumbersome and we were wondering if there was any library that would 'build' all the tests, based just on the object. Something like this for example.

var res = {
  a: {
    alpha: [1,2,3],
    beta: "Hello",
    gamma: "World"
    b: 123,
    c: "It depends"
var expectation = {
  a: {
    alpha: [1,2,4],
    beta: "Hello",
    gamma: "World"
    b: 123,
    c: "It depends"

assert(res, expectation) // -> Raises an error because res[a][b][2] is different from expectation[a][b][2].

[In the example, I have simplified the complexity of our object...]

I should insist on the fact that we need a piece of code that is smart enough to tell us what is different, rather than just tell us that the 2 objects are different. We now about deep equality, but we haven't found anything that actually tells us the differences.

like image 784
Julien Genestoux Avatar asked Sep 27 '12 21:09

Julien Genestoux

3 Answers

Node has the built in assert module meant for testing. This has a method called deepEqual for deep equality checking.

Function signature is:

assert.deepEqual(actual, expected, [message])

Quickly written function for testing deepEquality and returning diff:

// Will test own properties only
function deepEqualWithDiff(a, e, names){
  var dif = {};
  var aKeys = Object.keys(a);
  var eKeys = Object.keys(e);

  var cKeys = aKeys;
  var dKeys = eKeys;
  var c = a;
  var d = e;
  var names = {
    c: names ? names['a'] : 'Actual',
    d: names ? names['e'] : 'Expected'

  if(eKeys.length > aKeys.length){
    cKeys = eKeys;
    dKeys = aKeys;
    c = e;
    d = a;
    names = {
      d: names ? names['a'] : 'Actual',
      c: names ? names['e'] : 'Expected'

  for(var i = 0, co = cKeys.length; i < co; i++){
    var key = cKeys[i];
    if(typeof c[key] !== typeof d[key]){
      dif[key] = 'Type mismatch ' + names['c'] + ':' + typeof c[key] + '!==' + names['d'] + typeof d[key];
    if(typeof c[key] === 'function'){
      if(c[key].toString() !== d[key].toString()){
        dif[key] = 'Differing functions';
    if(typeof c[key] === 'object'){
      if(c[key].length !== undefined){ // array
        var temp = c[key].slice(0);
        temp = temp.filter(function(el){
          return (d[key].indexOf(el) === -1);
        var message = '';
        if(temp.length > 0){
          message += names['c'] + ' excess ' + JSON.stringify(temp);

        temp = d[key].slice(0);
        temp = temp.filter(function(el){
          return (c[key].indexOf(el) === -1);
        if(temp.length > 0){
          message += ' and ' + names['d'] + ' excess ' + JSON.stringify(temp);
        if(message !== ''){
          dif[key] = message;
      var diff = deepEqualWithDiff(c[key], d[key], {a:names['c'],e:names['d']});
      if(diff !== true && Object.keys(diff).length > 0){
        dif[key] = diff;
    // Simple types left so
    if(c[key] !== d[key]){
      dif[key] = names['c'] + ':' + c[key] + ' !== ' + names['d'] + ':' + d[key]; 
  return Object.keys(dif).length > 0 ? dif : true;
like image 166
DeadAlready Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 11:11


JavaScript doesn't support object deep equality out of the box and I am not aware of anything built into the NodeJS API either.

My bet would probably be Underscore and the isEqual function.

npm install underscore

var _ = require('underscore');
var moe   = {name : 'moe', luckyNumbers : [13, 27, 34]};
var clone = {name : 'moe', luckyNumbers : [13, 27, 34]};
moe == clone;
=> false
_.isEqual(moe, clone);
=> true

Although most Node testing frameworks should also contain an object deep equality assertion but you didn't mention which one you are using.

like image 17
Daff Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 13:11


deep-diff does what OP is asking for. It can compare two javascript objects / JSON objects and list the differences in a way that your code can access.

This is an old question so this library probably didn't exist at the time the question was asked.

like image 6
justwondering Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 11:11
