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Testing links using rspec?

If I have something like <%= link_to "Help", help_path %> in the view file, how do I test the following using rspec?

  1. It goes to help_path.
  2. The content reads "Help".

I am currently using capybara.


While answers below can work, I think I found a simpler way of doing this.

describe "some link on whatever page" do
  subject { page }
  before { visit whatever_path }
  it { should have_link('Help', href: help_path) }
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Jason Kim Avatar asked May 18 '12 07:05

Jason Kim

3 Answers

If you are using capybara then

my_link = find(:css, "a:contains('Help')")

and get page status, should be 200 or simply check


But also you could simply add routes specs to your integration specs in rspec. Like this to be always sure this routes exists

describe HelpController do

  it "should have proper routes" do
    {:get => "/halp/772/parser/18/edit" }.should be_routable
    {:post => "/halp/772/parser" }.should be_routable
    {:delete => "/halp/772/parser/18" }.should be_routable          

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Jakub Oboza Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 20:10

Jakub Oboza

Your file could look like this:

require 'spec_helper'

feature "Help" do
  scenario "creation" do
    visit help_path                         # access your help path
    page.should have_content("Help")        # verify content

If you need some help with testing with Capybara you could find some here: Railscasts #257 Request Specs and Capybara or Capybara repo at Github

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cristian Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 19:10


Use have_tag matcher. Here is a cheatsheet.

response.should have_tag("a[href$=#{help_path}]", :text => "Help")

P.S. Did you read rails guides?

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cutalion Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 21:10
