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Testing IP based geolocation [closed]

We are implementing an IP based geolocation service, and we need to find some IP's from various markets (LA, NY etc) to fully test the service.

Does anybody know of a directory where we could find what IP ranges are used where?

EDIT: We have already implemented the system, it uses a 3rd party DB and a webservice. We just want some IP's from known markets to verify its working properly.

I'm going to see if I can get what I need from the free maxmind database.

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FlySwat Avatar asked Dec 10 '22 22:12


1 Answers

Not sure if cost is a factor but there are a few open source databases knocking about. This one claims 99.3% accuracy on its free version with 99.8% for its paid version. They've also got a Free & Open Source City Database (76% accuracy at city level).

They're both available as CSV-based databases so you can easily take a known location and get an IP range for ISPs in the area.

The tougher part is getting access to a computer in that IP range.

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Oli Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 23:01
