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Testing Flask login and authentication?

I'm developing a Flask application and using Flask-security for user authentication (which in turn uses Flask-login underneath).

I have a route which requires authentication, /user. I'm trying to write a unit test which tests that, for an authenticated user, this returns the appropriate response.

In my unittest I'm creating a user and logging as that user like so:

from unittest import TestCase from app import app, db from models import User from flask_security.utils import login_user  class UserTest(TestCase):    def setUp(self):        self.app = app        self.client = self.app.test_client()        self._ctx = self.app.test_request_context()        self._ctx.push()         db.create_all()     def tearDown(self):        if self._ctx is not None:            self._ctx.pop()         db.session.remove()        db.drop_all()     def test_user_authentication():        # (the test case is within a test request context)        user = User(active=True)        db.session.add(user)        db.session.commit()        login_user(user)         # current_user here is the user        print(current_user)         # current_user within this request is an anonymous user        r = test_client.get('/user') 

Within the test current_user returns the correct user. However, the requested view always returns an AnonymousUser as the current_user.

The /user route is defined as:

class CurrentUser(Resource):     def get(self):         return current_user  # returns an AnonymousUser 

I'm fairly certain I'm just not fully understanding how testing Flask request contexts work. I've read this Flask Request Context documentation a bunch but am still not understanding how to approach this particular unit test.

like image 761
frnsys Avatar asked Feb 02 '14 02:02


People also ask

Does Flask-login use Session?

By default, Flask-Login uses sessions for authentication. This means you must set the secret key on your application, otherwise Flask will give you an error message telling you to do so. See the Flask documentation on sessions to see how to set a secret key.

1 Answers

The problem is different request contexts.

In your normal Flask application, each request creates a new context which will be reused through the whole chain until creating the final response and sending it back to the browser.

When you create and run Flask tests and execute a request (e.g. self.client.post(...)) the context is discarded after receiving the response. Therefore, the current_user is always an AnonymousUser.

To fix this, we have to tell Flask to reuse the same context for the whole test. You can do that by simply wrapping your code with:

with self.client: 

You can read more about this topic in the following wonderful article: https://realpython.com/blog/python/python-web-applications-with-flask-part-iii/



def test_that_something_works():     response = self.client.post('login', { username: 'James', password: '007' })      # this will fail, because current_user is an AnonymousUser     assertEquals(current_user.username, 'James') 


def test_that_something_works():     with self.client:         response = self.client.post('login', { username: 'James', password: '007' })          # success         assertEquals(current_user.username, 'James') 
like image 133
Alp Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09
