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Testing changes to React component state and spying on instance methods using enzyme

I am working on a wrapper component for smoothly loading images in React. I use enzyme with mocha, chai and sinon to unit test my component. In the test here, I am trying to test that the:

  1. component's state is updated when the image has loaded

  2. the onLoad instance method on the component was called

const wrapper = shallow( );

const onLoad = wrapper.find('img').props().onLoad;
const onLoadSpy = sinon.spy(onLoad); wrapper.update();
const status = wrapper.state().status;

I find that neither the update to the state is reflected by enzyme or the call count of the onLoad spy is updated. This is the corresponding code for the test:

export default class Image extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    if (props.src != null && typeof props.src === 'string') {
      this.state = {
        status: LOADING,
    } else {
      this.state = {
        status: PENDING,
    this.onLoad = this.onLoad.bind(this);

  onLoad() {
      status: LOADED,

  render() {
    //lots of code above the part we care about
    const defaultImageStyle = style({
      opacity: 0,
      transisition: 'opacity 150ms ease',

    const loadedImageStyle = style({
      opacity: 1,

    let imageStyle = defaultImageStyle;

    if (this.state.status === LOADED) {
      imageStyle = merge(defaultImageStyle, loadedImageStyle);
    } else {
      imageStyle = defaultImageStyle;

    let image;
    if (alt != null) {
      image = (<img
    } else {
      image = (<img

    let statusIndicator = null;
    if (this.state.status === LOADING) {
      statusIndicator = (<div className={loadingStyle}></div>);

    return (<div className={wrapperStyle}>


To take a look at the full code for better context:

  • the source here

  • the test here

like image 542
vamsiampolu Avatar asked Nov 21 '16 17:11


People also ask

Should I use Enzyme for React testing?

If you want mimic real-world user interactions, the React Testing Library is the way to go because you can do the same with fireEvent functions. Meanwhile, Enzyme is better suited to situations where you have to match the state of React or some other function with state.

What is React Enzyme used for?

The enzyme is a javascript testing utility for React that makes it easier to assert, manipulate and traverse the components.

How do I monitor state change in React?

Use the useEffect hook to listen for state changes in React. You can add the state variables you want to track to the hook's dependencies array and the logic in your useEffect hook will run every time the state variables change.

1 Answers

One can test this without relying on sinon. By expecting that the onLoad and onFire event listeners are invoked,the tests check if the img fires the load and error events.

Instead,simulate img's events using enzyme and check that the appropriate state transition occurs:

it('has a state of LOADED if a good src prop is supplied', () => {
  const wrapper = shallow(<Image 

  const img = wrapper.find('img');
  const status = wrapper.state().status;

This also eliminates the need to mount the component. The updated tests can be found here.

like image 183
vamsiampolu Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 13:10
