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how can start and stop an interval observable in RXJS?

I have a very simple timeInterval observable and I want to start/stop transmission without disconnecting subscribers (which should sit and wait regardless of observable status). Is possible, and if so how?

var source = Rx.Observable
  .map(function (x) { return x.value + ':' + x.interval; })

  var subscription = source.subscribe(
  function (x) {
     $("#result").append('Next: ' + x + ' ');
  function (err) {
    $("#result").append('Error: ' + err);
  function () {

general comment: most of the examples ive seen show how to define observables and subscribers. how do i affect the behavior of existing objects?

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Laurence Fass Avatar asked Jan 25 '16 15:01

Laurence Fass

People also ask

How do I cancel my RxJS interval?

unsubscribe(); Note that since interval() is asynchronous you can call unsubscribe() inside the subscribe 's callback as well. Jul 2019: Updated for RxJS 6. subscribe leads to imperative reactive code, particularly when the intent is to unsubscribe .

How do you stop observable?

Good. Manually unsubscribe from each observable. To unsubscribe from an observable subscription, we must create a Subscription variable (timer$), assign the subscription to this variable, and then in the ngOnDestroy lifecycle hook unsubscribe the subscription.

How do I stop observable timer?

There're are basically two ways: call unsubscribe() on the Subscription object returned from the subscribe() call . use an operator.

1 Answers

Depends on what is the source of the stop/resume signal. The simplest way I can think about is with the pausable operator, which as the documentation says works better with hot observables. So in the following sample code, I removed the take(10) (your pausable signal now comes through the pauser subject), and added share to turn your observable into a hot one.

  • About hot vs. cold, have a look to the illustrated respective data flows.
  • On subjects, you can also review the corresponding semantics
var pauser = new Rx.Subject();
var source = Rx.Observable
  .map(function (x) { return x.value + ':' + x.interval; })

var subscription = source.subscribe(
  function (x) {
     $("#result").append('Next: ' + x + ' ');
  function (err) {
    $("#result").append('Error: ' + err);
  function () {

  // To begin the flow
pauser.onNext(true); // or source.resume();

// To pause the flow at any point
pauser.onNext(false);  // or source.pause();

Here is a more sophisticated example which will pause your source every 10 items:

// Helper functions
function emits ( who, who_ ) {return function ( x ) {
 who.innerHTML = [who.innerHTML, who_ + " emits " + JSON.stringify(x)].join("\n");

var pauser = new Rx.Subject();
var source = Rx.Observable
  .map(function (x) { return x.value + ':' + x.interval; })
var pausableSource = source

  .scan(function (acc, _){return acc+1}, 0)
  .map(function(counter){return !!(parseInt(counter/10) % 2)})
  .do(emits(ta_validation, 'scan'))

var subscription = pausableSource.subscribe(
  function (x) {
     $("#ta_result").append('Next: ' + x + ' ');
  function (err) {
    $("#ta_result").append('Error: ' + err);
  function () {

You should have by now your answer to the second question. Combine the observables you are given with the relevant RxJS operators to realize your use case. This is what I did here.

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user3743222 Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 18:10
