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TestFlight - How to submit for Beta App Review


I'm new to TestFlight. I'm setting up beta testing of my new App for external testers. I'm following various guides such as this. I've uploaded a build and set up external testers. When trying to select a build for testing I'm warned "before your build can be tested, it may have to be approved by Beta App Review".

Fair enough.

When I select the "Next" button a spinning wheel appears and nothing ever seems to happen again. Attached is a screenshot (the screen background is greyed out but you can read it). I've waited, and waited, and waited.....

enter image description here

Refreshing the browser doesn't help. There is no feedback from iTunes connect. Shall I just stare at my screen for 1 to 2 days hoping eventually the beta review will happen and the spinning wheel will stop? I think not.

So my question - how do I submit a build for Beta App Review? I see no button anywhere or explanation of the process.

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pbm Avatar asked Apr 20 '17 09:04


People also ask

How do I submit an app to review on TestFlight?

In order to Submit an app for review you'll need to add external users from the TestFlight > Builds screen. Select the build you want to submit, and add Individual Testers from this screen. As long as at least one of them is external a series of dialog boxes will walk you through the rest of the submission.

What is TestFlight beta review?

Beta Testing Made Simple with TestFlight. TestFlight makes it easy to invite users to test your apps and App Clips and collect valuable feedback before releasing your apps on the App Store. You can invite up to 10,000 testers using just their email address or by sharing a public link.

1 Answers

I had this problem and worked around it by adding the build to a tester group (under that groups tab) instead of adding testers, or a group of testers to the build.

like image 179
monowerker Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 05:09
