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Testcontainers can't pull ryuk image: quay.io is not reachable

I have been experiencing issue with testcontainers failing to pull "ryuk" image from quay.io.

[32m01:23:19.732[0;39m [35m[main][0;39m [39mDEBUG[0;39m [36mo.t.d.a.AuthDelegatingDockerClientConfig[0;39m - Effective auth config [null] 
[32m01:23:30.281[0;39m [35m[tc-okhttp-stream-308592104][0;39m [1;31mERROR[0;39m [36mc.g.d.a.async.ResultCallbackTemplate[0;39m - Error during callback 
com.github.dockerjava.api.exception.InternalServerErrorException: {"message":"Get https://quay.io/v2/testcontainers/ryuk/manifests/0.2.3: received unexpected HTTP status: 500 Internal Server Error"}
like image 924
Konstantin Pavlov Avatar asked May 19 '20 09:05

Konstantin Pavlov

People also ask

What version of testcontainers is Ryuk from?

Starting from version 1.14.3 testcontainers uses ryuk from Docker Hub instead of the quay.io. So raise your testcontainers version. I got this error recently: upgrading testcontainers to version "1.15.1" fixed this issue.

How do I Turn Off the Ryuk container?

If your environment already implements automatic cleanup of containers after the execution, but does not allow starting privileged containers, you can turn off the Ryuk container by setting TESTCONTAINERS_RYUK_DISABLED environment variable to true.

What happens when testcontainers is shut down?

Note that Testcontainers will continue doing the cleanup at JVM's shutdown, unless you kill -9 your JVM process. pull.pause.timeout = 30 By default Testcontainers will abort the pull of an image if the pull appears stalled (no data transferred) for longer than this duration (in seconds).

How do I disable image names in test containers?

Add checks.disable=true to your $HOME/.testcontainers.properties to completely disable them. This approach is discouraged and deprecated, but is documented for completeness. Overriding individual image names via configuration may be removed in 2021.

2 Answers

Starting from version 1.14.3 testcontainers uses ryuk from Docker Hub instead of the quay.io. So raise your testcontainers version.

like image 86
Lu55 Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 21:10


I got this error recently: upgrading testcontainers to version "1.15.1" fixed this issue.

like image 8
funkygono Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 21:10
