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How to efficiently create Kafka topics with testcontainers?

I am using testcontainers.org with KafkaContainer.

Currently, I use kafka-topics to create a topic after starting the container:

kafkaContainer.execInContainer("/bin/sh", "-c", "/usr/bin/kafka-topics --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic topicName");

As this takes around 3-5 seconds per topic, I am wondering, if there is a more efficient way to create multiple topics. Or is there a simple switch to autocreate topics on demand?

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Jochen Christ Avatar asked Dec 03 '19 20:12

Jochen Christ

2 Answers

For reference, using the AdminClient was the most efficient.

Here is an example:

  private static void createTopics(String... topics) {
    var newTopics =
            .map(topic -> new NewTopic(topic, 1, (short) 1))
    try (var admin = AdminClient.create(Map.of(BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, getKafkaBrokers()))) {

  private static String getKafkaBrokers() {
    Integer mappedPort = kafkaContainer.getFirstMappedPort();
    return String.format("%s:%d", "localhost", mappedPort);
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Jochen Christ Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 11:10

Jochen Christ

  1. Use wurstmeister/kafka container with KAFKA_CREATE_TOPICS environment variable

  2. You could use a higher level Kafka client like Spring-Kafka or Dropwizard-Kafka which offer topic creation.

  3. Otherwise, use AdminClient directly

It's recommended not to enable auto topic creation on the brokers because it then has a default partition count and replication factor

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OneCricketeer Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 10:10
