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Test if page has a horizontal scrollbar (computer & mobile devices)

On a web page, I need to test if there is a horizontal scrollbar or not (so that I programmatically change the css of some other element). Is there some way to get that information using jquery (or pure javascript)?

I tested

function isHorizontalScrollbarEnabled() {
    return $(document).width()!=$(window).width();

but it does not seem to work with all browsers (does not work for example with a recent Samsung phone I tested). I need it to work with all browsers, including recent mobile devices.

Thank you!


I tested the solutions provided by plalx and laconbass, tested IE8, Firefox, Chrome and iPad. Works with IE, Firefox & Chrome but not as I want on the iPad.

The problem seems related to the zooming feature on mobile devices: even though, when I zoom in on the iPad, a horizontal scrollbar appears, document, window and document.body widths do not change (was also the same problem with the Samsung phone I tested earlier today).

Here is the code I used to test:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
      <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8/jquery.min.js"></script>

      <div style="width: 500px; background: red;" id="test">click here to test</div>
      <script type="text/javascript">
        var i = 1;
          $(this).html("Test #" + (i++) 
    + "<br>document width=" + $(document).width() + ", windows width=" + $(window).width()
    + "<br>document width=" + $(document).width() + ", body width=" + $(document.body).width()

Any idea how to detect the presence of a horizontal scrollbar that also works after zooming in/out on a mobile device like iPad?

like image 812
Walid Avatar asked Apr 19 '13 19:04


2 Answers

//scrol 1px to the left

if($(document).scrollLeft() != 0){
   //there's a scroll bar
   //there's no scrollbar

//scroll back to original location

This works because JQuery won't be able to scroll the screen if no scrollbar is available

like image 131
Pabs123 Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 10:10


EDIT 2: I got a downvote because this doesn't work for nothing but the page so I built a generic solution based on @Pabs123's answer, only for fun:

function hasScrollX( selector ){
    var e = $(selector), fn = 'scrollLeft';
    return e[fn](1) && e[fn]() > 0 && e[fn](0) && true;

or even

jQuery.fn.hasScrollX = function( ){
    var fn = 'scrollLeft';
    return this[fn](1) && this[fn]() > 0 && this[fn](0) && true;

See it here, and how it can be easily adapted to detect vertical scrollbar presence.

EDIT: Tested & working on chrome and firefox. As jQuery team does the crossbrowsing work, i suggest the use of jQuery rather than native javascript.

I were curious about how to do this in an elegant way than the suggested previously (which actually work)

The following comparison work to me

$(document).width() > $(window).width()

you can see it in action with scroll bar and without it

like image 25
laconbass Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 11:10
