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Test if executable is in path in PowerShell



In my script I'm about to run a command

pandoc -Ss readme.txt -o readme.html

But I'm not sure if pandoc is installed. So I would like to do (pseudocode)

if (pandoc in the path)
    pandoc -Ss readme.txt -o readme.html

How can I do this for real?

like image 786
Colonel Panic Avatar asked Jun 28 '12 10:06

Colonel Panic

People also ask

How do you check path exists or not in PowerShell?

The Test-Path Cmdlet $Folder = 'C:\Windows' "Test to see if folder [$Folder] exists" if (Test-Path -Path $Folder) { "Path exists!" } else { "Path doesn't exist." } This is similar to the -d $filepath operator for IF statements in Bash. True is returned if $filepath exists, otherwise False is returned.

How do you test if file txt exists in PowerShell?

Check if a file exists and show the properties of the file txt" if (Test-Path $fileToCheck -PathType leaf) { $file = Get-Item $fileToCheck $file. FullName $file. LastAccessTime $file. Length $file.

What is $PATH in PowerShell?

The Windows PATH environment variable is where applications look for executables -- meaning it can make or break a system or utility installation. Admins can use PowerShell to manage the PATH variable -- a process that entails string manipulation. To access the PATH variable, use: $env:Path.

What is PathType leaf in PowerShell?

-Leaf. An element that does not contain other elements, such as a file. The easiest way to get this information from the console is Get-Help Test-Path -Parameter PathType.

2 Answers

You can test through Get-Command (gcm)

if (Get-Command "pandoc.exe" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) 
   pandoc -Ss readme.txt -o readme.html

If you'd like to test the non-existence of a command in your path, for example to show an error message or download the executable (think NuGet):

if ((Get-Command "pandoc.exe" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) 
   Write-Host "Unable to find pandoc.exe in your PATH"


(Get-Help gcm).description

in a PowerShell session to get information about Get-Command.

like image 184
David Brabant Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 13:10

David Brabant

Here is a function in the spirit of David Brabant's answer with a check for minimum version numbers.

Function Ensure-ExecutableExists
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

        $MinimumVersion = ""

    $CurrentVersion = (Get-Command -Name $Executable -ErrorAction Stop).Version

    If ($MinimumVersion)
        $RequiredVersion = [version]$MinimumVersion

        If ($CurrentVersion -lt $RequiredVersion)
            Throw "$($Executable) version $($CurrentVersion) does not meet requirements"

This allows you to do the following:

Ensure-ExecutableExists -Executable pscp -MinimumVersion ""

It does nothing if the requirement is met or throws an error it isn't.

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Bruno Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 13:10
