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Terminal find Command: Manipulate Output String

I am trying to manipulate the filename from the find command:

find . -name "*.xib" -exec echo '{}' ';'

For example, this might print:


I would like to make it:


What I tried:

find . -name "*.xib" -exec echo ${'{}'%.*} ';'

But, the '{}' is not being recognized as a string or something...

I also tried the following:

find . -name "*.xib" -exec filename='{}' ";" -exec echo ${filename%.*} ";"

But it is trying to execute a command called "filename" instead of assigning the variable:

find: filename: No such file or directory

like image 937
Mazyod Avatar asked Nov 26 '12 11:11


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1 Answers

You can't use Parameter Expansion with literal string. Try to store it in a variable first:

find . -name '*.xib' -exec bash -c "f='{}' ; echo \${f%.xib}.strings" \;

-exec sees first argument after it as the command, therefore you can't simply give it filename='{}' because find doesn't use sh to execute what you give it. If you want to run some shell stuff, you need to use sh or bash to wrap up.

Or use sed:

find . -name '*.xib' | sed 's/.xlib$/.strings/'
like image 155
livibetter Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 17:10
